







主要从事碳水化合物结构解析与物性修饰、主食加工与营养品质调控方面的研究和教学工作。承担国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、中国博士后科学基金、省部科技计划等国家/省部级项目,以及企业委托课题。成果发表于Mater. Today Chem.Compr. Rev. Food Sci. F.ACS Sus. Chem. Eng.J. Agric. Food Chem.等学术期刊,并完成发明专利、成果评价、标准、著作等成果,兼任中国粮油学会青年工作委员会副秘书长、中国食品学会青年工作委员会委员、中国粮油学会营养分会理事、国际期刊编委等。主讲食品物性学、食品原料学、食品工程专题、Food Quality Management等课程,指导研究生和本科生获得国家奖学金、国家励志奖学金、优秀学位论文等。



    2015-2022  华中农业大学  食品科技学院  讲师、副教授、博导

    2022至今  新葡8883net      新葡8883net  教授、博导



  1. Cheng, Zihang; Qiao, Dongling; Zhao, Siming; Zhang, Binjia*; Lin, Qinlu; Xie, Fengwei*. Whole grain rice: Updated understanding of starch digestibility and the regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 2022, https://doi.org/10.1111/1541-4337.12985.

  2. Zhen, Yiyuan; Wang, Kedu; Wang, Jing; Qiao, Dongling; Zhao, Siming; Lin, Qinlu; Zhang, Binjia*, Increasing the pH value during thermal processing suppresses the starch digestion of the resulting starch-protein-lipid complexes. Carbohydrate Polymers 2022, 278, 118931.

  3. Li, Nannan; Qiao, Dongling; Zhao, Siming; Lin, Qinlu; Zhang, Binjia*; Xie, Fengwei*, 3D printing to innovate biopolymer materials for demanding applications: A review. Materials Today Chemistry 2021, 20, 100459.

  4. Zhang, Binjia; Qiao, Dongling; Zhao, Siming; Lin, Qinlu; Wang, Jing; Xie, Fengwei, Starch-based food matrices containing protein: Recent understanding of morphology, structure, and properties. Trends in Food Science and Technology 2021, 114, 212-231.

  5. Li, Nannan; Wang, Lili; Zhao, Siming; Qiao, Dongling; Jia, Caihua; Niu, Meng; Lin, Qinlu; Zhang, Binjia*, An insight into starch slowly digestible features enhanced by microwave treatment. Food Hydrocolloids 2020, 103, 105690.

  6. Zhang, Binjia; Zhou, Wenzhi; Qiao, Dongling; Zhang, Peng; Zhao, Siming; Zhang, Liang; Xie, Fengwei, Changes in nanoscale chain assembly in sweet potato starch lamellae by downregulation of biosynthesis enzymes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2019, 67, 6302-6312.

  7. Zhang, Binjia; Gilbert, Elliot P.; Qiao, Dongling; Xie, Fengwei; Wang, David K.; Zhao, Siming; Jiang, Fatang, A further study on supramolecular structure changes of waxy maize starch subjected to alkaline treatment by extended-q small-angle neutron scattering. Food Hydrocolloids 2019, 95, 133-142.

  8. Zhang, Binjia; Xie, Fengwei; Shamshina, Julia L.; Rogers, Robin D.; McNally, Tony; Halley, Peter J.; Truss, Rowan W.; Chen, Ling; Zhao, Siming, Dissolution of starch with aqueous ionic liquid under ambient conditions. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2017, 5, 3737-3741.

  9. 发明专利,一种pH敏感型半互穿网络水凝胶的制备方法.

  10. 发明专利,一种多源信息融合的泰国茉莉香米掺伪鉴别方法.


2023-01-04 10:46:54
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